Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Month Old!

So I know I'm a little late, but I can't believe my baby is already a month old!  I know it's cliche, but time really does go by so fast.  He has already grown and changed so much, he's definitely put on some chub and is getting adorable little dimples and rolls all over his little body!  Well, here's some of what Baby O has been up to in his first month of life:

He's been doing quite a bit of this. . .

And a little bit of this (isn't he an angel?!) . . .

And some of this each day . . .

And making good friends . . .

And making sure we're well rested (ha!) . . .

And growing bigger every day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For Easter weekend we went up to Eugene to be with my family.  We were a little nervous about how Baby O would do on the drive, but he was great!  We're hoping he continues to be a good little traveler because we have plenty more trips in the works for this summer.

Bath Time!

Smiling with Grandma

Snuggling with Great Grandma Alice

Hanging out with Great Grandma Honey

We had a great time up in Eugene spending time with family, going to the Saturday Market, and I even got to go to Church on Easter!  Especially now that we have our own little family, we are so grateful for the message of Easter and all that Christ has done for us, making it possible for our family to be together for all eternity.